It's time to vote
Help us pick the world's best theme parks and attractions. Nomination forms are now open for Theme Park Insider's awards.
As 2023 wraps up, I would like to invite all fans of Theme Park Insider to help us pick the best theme parks and attractions of the year.
We do this through our annual, year-end surveys, and I am pleased to open those to you for your votes, starting today.
We have four surveys for you this year:
Follow those links for your ballot in each category. You must be a registered member on the website to vote, so if you have not completed the quick registration form yet, you will find a link to do so on each of those ballot pages.
You may submit your vote just once, so please take a moment to think about your rankings so that you don't get caught submitting an incomplete ballot. You may submit up to 10 nominees in the Best New Attraction category, up to 20 for Best Theme Park, and up to 40 each for the Best Attraction and Best Roller Coaster lists.
Voting will be open until Friday, December 15 (Los Angeles time). After that, I will tally the nominations. If we need a run-off in any categories, those will run on Theme Park Insider's home page the following week.
Then, on January 1, 2024, I will announce the winners of the annual Theme Park Insider Awards and start posting our updated theme park visitors guides, based upon your votes.
As subscribers to Theme Park Insider's newsletter, you are getting the first look at this year's reader-ranking surveys. Thank you for your support of Theme Park Insider this year. And thank you for your thoughtful rankings in this year's vote!
Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season,
Robert Niles
P.S. Please encourage your friends, colleagues and family to vote in this year's polls, too. Lots of voices here make for better results!
And if you have any issues with the ballots, please reach out to me at and I will do my best to get your ballot counted.